Politics Kills. Choose Life.
Due to the increasingly polarizing dynamics of US politics, pro-lifers need to be especially careful not to associate the pro-life movement with a political party. In order for our movement to be effective, it needs to create a broad coalition of supporters. Yet, at a handful of pro-life centric events, I have seen people wear trump hats, hold posters shaming those of differing political persuasions, and breakout into advocacy on completely unrelated political issues. Our goal is to convince people that human life is valuable and deserving of love and dignity, not to convince people to join a political party, to support a particular leader, or to convert to a particular religion. While there are spaces for these other types of advocacy, it becomes increasingly difficult to convince someone to take on the pro-life cause when the pro-life movement expects them to immediately conform to other ideas.
The truth is that there is not a political party that fits a consistent life ethic. Republicans may oppose abortion and euthanasia, but they have historically been in support of capital punishment and harsh treatment of immigrants. Democrats may be against the death penalty, but they typically support unethical stem cell research, assisted suicide, and, overall, abortion. Rehumanize International, a human rights organization dedicated to creating a consistent life ethic, popularly brands protest signs that read “Politics Kills. Choose Life.” This sentiment is why we need to draw in pro-life organizations from across the political spectrum into our coalition.
Besides Rehumanize International, there is a new left-leaning pro-life organization that is currently making waves, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU). This organization is dedicated to eradicting discrimination in every form, including racism, sexism, and homophobia. Unlike some other left-wing organizations, their attacks against discrimination include those levied against the preborn for their size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency. Whether or not you align with their political beliefs, PAAU makes a significant attempt to be philosophically consistent rather than falling victim to the inconsistencies of a political party. Other important pro-life organizations to include are Democrats for Life of America (DFLA), Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL), and Secular Pro-Life. We need a broad coalition to create an effective movement separate from political parties, and we must integrate these growing interest groups.
Matteo is a Junior in the SFS studying classics and government. In addition to his studies, He serves as the Right to Life Vice President.