Georgetown University Right to Life
Hello, and welcome to our new and improved website! We hope that you take this opportunity to get to know us, our mission, the resources we offer, and more a little better. Vita Saxa!

About Us
Georgetown University Right to Life (GURTL) is a student organization dedicated to protecting human life from conception to natural death. We strongly believe in the value of all human lives, no matter who they are, no matter where they live. . . even if they are living in the womb. We believe that through persistent effort we can, and will, create a society in which abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty have no place. A society in which the sanctity and dignity of each human life is valued and defended.

Our Mission
GURTL works throughout the school year to bring speakers to campus in order to spread awareness about relevant pro-life causes. Past speakers include abortion survivor Melissa Ohden, Feminists for Life President Serrin Foster, and bioethicist Fr. James Duffy S.J., M.D. Other events put on by GURTL include our annual Pregnancy Resource Forum, a discussion between students and administrators aimed at assisting student moms on campus, and Flag Day, an annual event in which members of GURTL place 3300 flags on the front lawn of Georgetown, symbolizing the number of abortions which occur in the U.S. daily.
Additionally, GURTL tables in Red Square throughout the week in order to engage the Georgetown community in dialogue concerning pro-life issues. GURTL also performs monthly service projects to assist the Northwest Pregnancy Center, a center founded by a fellow Hoya and dedicated to serving mothers in need in the DC area.