Myths & Misconceptions
We get questions all the time about what we believe. Right to Life (RTL) would love to use this space to dispel a few of the most common misconceptions about GU RTL & the wider pro-life movement. Our hope is that this will help preempt unfounded critiques & promote better & increased dialogue here on campus!
About GU RTL
Myth: RTL is a Catholic club.
Fact: RTL is a secular group open to people of any or no faith. The demographics of our board and general body reflect this diversity well!
Myth: RTL is political/politically affiliated.
Fact: RTL is an apolitical group; although we may partner with (a) political club(s) for certain events on which we have common ground, RTL is explicitly and intentionally unaffiliated with any party.
Myth: RTL is only about rhetoric.
Fact: While advocacy is an important part of what we do, we place just as high if not higher of an emphasis on substantiating this through service. Be it through diaper drives, blood drives, bake sales, or other service events held each month, we are committed to supporting life far beyond birth- all the way until natural death.
Myth: We don’t pass out contraception because our club opposes contraception.
Fact: While our members can and do have different views on contraception, RTL has no position on it. Views on contraception aside, studies indicate that there is no correlation between contraception access and the reduction of abortion.
Interested in learning more about what we believe and why?
Click here to send us a quick message & one of our board members will be in touch!