Meet the Board!
Elizabeth Oliver, President
Elizabeth, a junior in the College from Greenwich, CT, is pursuing a major in Classics with a concentration in Latin and a double minor in French and Theology. In addition to serving in her second year as President of Georgetown University Right to Life, she is also Co-Director of the Cardinal O'Connor Conference. Last spring, Elizabeth completed an internship at the Heritage Foundation in the DeVos Center for Life, Family, and Religion, an experience she hopes will help her better support this year's pro-life efforts. She loves to travel, enjoys singing, and likes cooking with friends and family. Elizabeth is passionate about strengthening the pro-life message at Georgetown and empowering other students to use their voices for the voiceless
Jordan Holmes, Vice President
Jordan, a sophomore in the College from Yorba Linda, CA, is pursuing an Economics major and a minor in Theology. He plays on the Hoyas Football team, and he is also involved in the Black Interfaith Fellowship on campus, NAACP, as well as the Georgetown Knights of Columbus. Jordan decided to get involved with Right to Life because he believes that every life, from conception to natural death, has God-given value and is deserving of the opportunity to live.
George Currie, Tabling Chair
George is a junior Government and Classics major from Maryland. At Georgetown, George is an Outreach Chair for the O’Connor Conference, and he is involved with leadership in the Knights of Columbus. He is also the chair of the Council of Advisory Boards (CAB). George believes in standing up for life at all stages, from conception to natural death.
Leah Raymond, Events Chair
Leah is a junior in the College studying government and education. Originally from Rochester Hills, MI, she has enjoyed going to school on and exploring the East Coast, most recently living in NYC over the summer and teaching fourth grade in Manhattan. She is passionate about making everyone feel welcome in the pro-life space and extending pro-life conversation to places in which it is not usually found. Leah also finds it important to emphasize other issues under the pro-life umbrella, such as making the death penalty and euthanasia unthinkable, and ensuring all young people have access to quality health and education. She fills her free time with singing in half a dozen choirs, exploring DC, and chasing fireworks shows.
Frank Anstett, Treasurer
Frank is a sophomore at Georgetown studying Economics and Theology. He considers himself a DMV Native, having lived in and attended school in Virginia, Maryland, and now DC. Being so close, he grew up attending the March for Life every year. Being pro-life is so important to him because no human being should be denied the dignity of life, the greatest gift of all.
Dean Rosamilia, Marketing Chair
Dean is a sophomore in the College studying History and Government. He grew up in Charleston, SC, but he has spent the last five years and counting living in NY. On campus, he is involved with the Knights of Columbus, Right to Life, and Chapel Choir, and he is excited to be the Co-Director for the Mass for Life. Dean believes that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and that each human life deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. In his free time, Dean enjoys playing pipe organ and fishing on Long Island.
Sarah Markuson, Blog Editor
Sarah is a freshman in the McDonough School of Business from Nashville, Tennessee. Sarah is pro-life because she has a heart for children and believes every baby is a God-given gift with a right to life. When she's not on-campus, you can find her coaching kid's gymnastics, playing pickleball with her friends, or exploring DC!
Katie Rankin, Freshman Rep
Katie is a freshman in the College studying public policy from Bristol, Virginia. In addition to Right to Life, she is involved in College Republicans, NeW, and the Georgetown Quiz Bowl team. She enjoys reading, playing card games with friends, and watching soccer and Formula 1. Katie wanted to become involved with Right to Life because she believes that God created all of humanity in His image, and therefore all life is meaningful and has the right to be protected.