Kicking off a New Semester
To all our fellow pro-life Hoyas,
We kick off this fall in circumstances new to all Right to Life members and alumni. And in many ways, now is an excellent time to be pro-life at Georgetown.
True, COVID-19 has forestalled some of the exciting programming we traditionally plan: clustering around Safeway's entrances collecting carts of diaper donations; filling an upperclassman's kitchen to decorate cupcakes for bake sales; partnering with other clubs to host crowded blood drives for local hospitals.
But the pandemic has also paved the way for novel ideas that preserve the quality, quantity, and core mission of our events: defending human life and its inherent dignity in all stages and circumstances. Our board has been hard at work planning panels, coffee chats, virtual service opportunities, small group discussions, and more to keep our work this semester not only alive but also meaningful, relevant, and engaging.
Unfortunately, 2020 has also highlighted the extent to which human dignity is on the line for vulnerable individuals and populations across the world.
In May, the senseless and horrific killing of George Floyd laid bare the extent to which, a century and a half after the abolition of slavery, racism remains perniciously embedded in our world. In July, the killing of Daniel Lewis Lee marked the first federal execution in almost two decades – resuming a tragic practice that most of the world has turned its back on. And since January, COVID-19 has ravaged communities across the world. It has placed a particularly acute strain on the most vulnerable, from the homeless to displaced populations to individuals with physical and mental disabilities. It has highlighted inequities and deficiencies in healthcare access, and has generated unique and unprecedented challenges for new and expecting mothers.
RTL does not profess to have all the answers to these indubitably complex social crises. We are neither a political nor religious entity. Yet we stand united in at least one key principle: all life has inherent dignity and is to be protected, from conception to natural death. This conviction informs our views on and activism against abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, racism, and every other assault on innocent human life.
Now is the time to continue renewing, invigorating, and expanding the pro-life community. We hope you will join ours this semester, and we cannot wait to meet you!
Vita Saxa,
Kerry & Chris, President & Vice President